On this page will be links to various temporary documents that may be of use to members who would have been emailed about them but rather than overload the mailing list system with large attachments , e.g. event startsheets for marshals, etc, the email will have the direct link to the document posted on this page.
Dear All
Please find below notice of the EAVTTA AGM to be held on Saturday 16th November at the Comrades Hut at 2pm , please note the different venue this year. Also the change of date for the lunch and prize presentation which will be held separately in February 2020 It would be nice to see an increase in numbers of members at the AGM this year !
Please contact me with any items for the Agenda or any further info that may be required
Chris Holmes
Good Afternoon all
I need another couple of marshals to run this event, find attached the start sheet, should be a good one to watch, especially towards the end of the field 🙂
Would appreciate it if you could give up a few hours to help.
Cheers John Golder